Basic Info

What is an EPIC STORY?
Don’t be fooled, these stories aren’t called “epic” because I’m an egotist who thinks she’s just the best of the best. Instead, the name refers to the nature of the in-game epic quests. Epic storylines are seperated into books and chapters (although they’re obviously much shorter than the Lord of the Rings equivalents). Each book focuses on one character. Epic stories are the main storylines of each leading character that appears in them.

What is a SHORT?
A short is to an epic story what a short story or a novella is to a novel. It’s rarely more than two posts long, and focuses on smaller events and fewer characters than the epic stories do. Shorts are often inspired by in-game RP encounters and events.

WHEN is story X set?
Stories are not necessarily posted in chronological order. To see when a specific epic story or short is happening in relation to other published storylines, please refer to the Timeline.

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